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Trusted Partners to Take Your Business to
the Next Level

At Vested Partners, we believe in investing in owner-operated SME businesses to drive growth. Our team of expert consultants also assists with succession planning to ensure a smooth transition of senior management.


The Production Manufacturing and Mining industries are crucial to the global economy, providing essential raw materials and finished goods. Vested has extensive experience in these industries, working with clients to optimize operations, improve efficiency, and increase profitability. Our team of experts understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by these industries and is committed to delivering tailored solutions that drive success.

What we Know


Market Advantage

What sets a business apart in Market? Does your business understand who it is servicing and what they want? SMEs often fall into a trap where they don't differentiate themselves from competitors and are forced to compete on price alone. 



How is your business generating leads? Do you have a system designed solely to create new business and drive growth?

Leads are worth their weight in gold. Is your sales team empowered with the appropriate tools to ensure that leads get the attention they need to be converted? 


Order fullfiment systems

Orders are the lifeblood of any business, but how do you fulfill them? Different businesses have different requirements but all require exceptional service to drive fulfillment. We can help you achieve this.



Production Managment

Production adds a degree of complexity to business that can drain the life of a small team without the appropriate tools. We have perfected these tools and can help steer you away from complexity cliffs that kill so many small operations.


Growth Plan

If you aren't growing you are dying. Don't believe the naysayer. Even in tough business climates, there are growth opportunities and we bring the growth mindset with us wherever we go.


Employee Assesments

The right people in the right seats make all the difference. You cannot go alone but does your team know where they are going and how to get there? We light the way.

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